redhat 7安装Oracle缺少compat-libstdc++

联系:手机/微信(+86 17813235971) QQ(107644445)QQ咨询惜分飞

标题:redhat 7安装Oracle缺少compat-libstdc++


在redhat 7版本中compat-libstdc++-33-3.2.3包被从ISO文件中移除,但是12c及其以后版本安装均需要该包,导致数据库在安装的时候检查无法通过
redhat 7光盘中无compat-libstdc包

[oracle@localhost media]$ df -h
Filesystem             Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/rhel-root   90G   15G   76G  17% /
devtmpfs               7.8G     0  7.8G   0% /dev
tmpfs                  7.8G     0  7.8G   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs                  7.8G   12M  7.8G   1% /run
tmpfs                  7.8G     0  7.8G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/sda1             1014M  146M  869M  15% /boot
/dev/mapper/rhel-home 1014M   33M  982M   4% /home
tmpfs                  1.6G     0  1.6G   0% /run/user/0
/dev/sr0               4.2G  4.2G     0 100% /media
[oracle@localhost media]$ cd /media/
[oracle@localhost media]$ ls -l
total 962
dr-xr-xr-x. 4 root root   2048 Oct 10 14:34 addons
dr-xr-xr-x. 3 root root   2048 Oct 10 14:34 EFI
-r--r--r--. 1 root root   8266 Apr  4  2014 EULA
-r--r--r--. 1 root root   1455 Oct 10 14:02 extra_files.json
-r--r--r--. 1 root root  18092 Mar  6  2012 GPL
dr-xr-xr-x. 3 root root   2048 Oct 10 14:34 images
dr-xr-xr-x. 2 root root   2048 Oct 10 14:34 isolinux
dr-xr-xr-x. 2 root root   2048 Oct 10 14:34 LiveOS
-r--r--r--. 1 root root    114 Oct 10 14:09 media.repo
dr-xr-xr-x. 2 root root 931840 Oct 10 14:34 Packages
dr-xr-xr-x. 2 root root   4096 Oct 10 14:34 repodata
-r--r--r--. 1 root root   3375 Sep 21 10:59 RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-beta
-r--r--r--. 1 root root   3211 Sep 21 10:59 RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release
-r--r--r--. 1 root root   1796 Oct 10 14:34 TRANS.TBL
[oracle@localhost media]$ cat media.repo
name=Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.6
[oracle@localhost media]$ cd Packages/
[oracle@localhost Packages]$ ls -l |grep compat-libstdc
[oracle@localhost Packages]$ 

通过mos相关描述,该包主要是影响数据库的Oracle Text中的相关功能,如果不使用该功能,可以通过忽略该包继续安装,如果需要使用该功能,可以通过下载compat-libstdc来安装.
参考文档:Missing or Ignored package compat-libstdc++-33-3.2.3 causes Text Issues (Doc ID 2254198.1)
Installation of Oracle Database Server/Client on RHEL 7/OL7 reports pre-requisite package ‘compat-libstdc++’ missing. (Doc ID 2062336.1)

Oracle 19C 依旧支持bbed

联系:手机/微信(+86 17813235971) QQ(107644445)QQ咨询惜分飞

标题:Oracle 19C 依旧支持bbed


Oracle 19c

SQL> select BANNER from v$version;

Oracle Database 19c Enterprise Edition Release - Production

SQL> select name from v$datafile;



[oracle@localhost db_1]$ bbed

BBED: Release - Limited Production on Thu Feb 28 15:39:02 2019

Copyright (c) 1982, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.

************* !!! For Oracle Internal Use only !!! ***************

BBED> set filename '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/ORA19C/system01.dbf'
        FILENAME        /u01/app/oracle/oradata/ORA19C/system01.dbf

BBED> set blocksize 8192
        BLOCKSIZE       8192

BBED> map
 File: /u01/app/oracle/oradata/ORA19C/system01.dbf (0)
 Block: 1                                     Dba:0x00000000
 Data File Header

 struct kcvfh, 1272 bytes                   @0       

 ub4 tailchk                                @8188    

BBED> p kcvfh
struct kcvfh, 1272 bytes                    @0       
   struct kcvfhbfh, 20 bytes                @0       
      ub1 type_kcbh                         @0        0x0b
      ub1 frmt_kcbh                         @1        0xa2
      ub2 wrp2_kcbh                         @2        0x0000
      ub4 rdba_kcbh                         @4        0x00400001
      ub4 bas_kcbh                          @8        0x00000000
      ub2 wrp_kcbh                          @12       0x0000
      ub1 seq_kcbh                          @14       0x01
      ub1 flg_kcbh                          @15       0x04 (KCBHFCKV)
      ub2 chkval_kcbh                       @16       0x6896
      ub2 spare3_kcbh                       @18       0x0000
   struct kcvfhhdr, 76 bytes                @20      
      ub4 kccfhswv                          @20       0x00000000
      ub4 kccfhcvn                          @24       0x13000000
      ub4 kccfhdbi                          @28       0x3edc1c96
      text kccfhdbn[0]                      @32      O
      text kccfhdbn[1]                      @33      R
      text kccfhdbn[2]                      @34      A
      text kccfhdbn[3]                      @35      1
      text kccfhdbn[4]                      @36      9
      text kccfhdbn[5]                      @37      C
      text kccfhdbn[6]                      @38       
      text kccfhdbn[7]                      @39       
      ub4 kccfhcsq                          @40       0x0000040f
      ub4 kccfhfsz                          @44       0x0001bd00
      s_blkz kccfhbsz                       @48       0x00
      ub2 kccfhfno                          @52       0x0001
      ub2 kccfhtyp                          @54       0x0003
      ub4 kccfhacid                         @56       0x00000000
      ub4 kccfhcks                          @60       0x00000000
      text kccfhtag[0]                      @64       
      text kccfhtag[1]                      @65       
      text kccfhtag[2]                      @66       
      text kccfhtag[3]                      @67       
      text kccfhtag[4]                      @68       
      text kccfhtag[5]                      @69       
      text kccfhtag[6]                      @70       
      text kccfhtag[7]                      @71       
      text kccfhtag[8]                      @72       
      text kccfhtag[9]                      @73       
      text kccfhtag[10]                     @74       
      text kccfhtag[11]                     @75       
      text kccfhtag[12]                     @76       
      text kccfhtag[13]                     @77       
      text kccfhtag[14]                     @78       
      text kccfhtag[15]                     @79       
      text kccfhtag[16]                     @80       
      text kccfhtag[17]                     @81       
      text kccfhtag[18]                     @82       
      text kccfhtag[19]                     @83       
      text kccfhtag[20]                     @84       
      text kccfhtag[21]                     @85       
      text kccfhtag[22]                     @86       
      text kccfhtag[23]                     @87       
      text kccfhtag[24]                     @88       
      text kccfhtag[25]                     @89       
      text kccfhtag[26]                     @90       
      text kccfhtag[27]                     @91       
      text kccfhtag[28]                     @92       
      text kccfhtag[29]                     @93       
      text kccfhtag[30]                     @94       
      text kccfhtag[31]                     @95       
   ub4 kcvfhrdb                             @96       0x00400208
   struct kcvfhcrs, 8 bytes                 @100     
      ub4 kscnbas                           @100      0x00000008
      ub2 kscnwrp                           @104      0x8000
      ub2 kscnwrp2                          @106      0x0000
   ub4 kcvfhcrt                             @108      0x3b90f0c2
   ub4 kcvfhrlc                             @112      0x3bb086d8
   struct kcvfhrls, 8 bytes                 @116     
      ub4 kscnbas                           @116      0x001cb1dd
      ub2 kscnwrp                           @120      0x8000
      ub2 kscnwrp2                          @122      0x0000
   ub4 kcvfhbti                             @124      0x00000000
   struct kcvfhbsc, 8 bytes                 @128     
      ub4 kscnbas                           @128      0x00000000
      ub2 kscnwrp                           @132      0x0000
      ub2 kscnwrp2                          @134      0x0000
   ub2 kcvfhbth                             @136      0x0000
   ub2 kcvfhsta                             @138      0x2004 (KCVFHOFZ)
   struct kcvfhckp, 36 bytes                @484     
      struct kcvcpscn, 8 bytes              @484     
         ub4 kscnbas                        @484      0x001d44f9
         ub2 kscnwrp                        @488      0x8000
         ub2 kscnwrp2                       @490      0x0000
      ub4 kcvcptim                          @492      0x3bb08892
      ub2 kcvcpthr                          @496      0x0001
      union u, 12 bytes                     @500     
         struct kcvcprba, 12 bytes          @500     
            ub4 kcrbaseq                    @500      0x00000002
            ub4 kcrbabno                    @504      0x000143d1
            ub2 kcrbabof                    @508      0x0010
      ub1 kcvcpetb[0]                       @512      0x02
      ub1 kcvcpetb[1]                       @513      0x00
      ub1 kcvcpetb[2]                       @514      0x00
      ub1 kcvcpetb[3]                       @515      0x00
      ub1 kcvcpetb[4]                       @516      0x00
      ub1 kcvcpetb[5]                       @517      0x00
      ub1 kcvcpetb[6]                       @518      0x00
      ub1 kcvcpetb[7]                       @519      0x00
   ub4 kcvfhcpc                             @140      0x00000032
   ub4 kcvfhrts                             @144      0x3bb08686
   ub4 kcvfhccc                             @148      0x00000031
   struct kcvfhbcp, 36 bytes                @152     
      struct kcvcpscn, 8 bytes              @152     
         ub4 kscnbas                        @152      0x00000000
         ub2 kscnwrp                        @156      0x0000
         ub2 kscnwrp2                       @158      0x0000
      ub4 kcvcptim                          @160      0x00000000
      ub2 kcvcpthr                          @164      0x0000
      union u, 12 bytes                     @168     
         struct kcvcprba, 12 bytes          @168     
            ub4 kcrbaseq                    @168      0x00000000
            ub4 kcrbabno                    @172      0x00000000
            ub2 kcrbabof                    @176      0x0000
      ub1 kcvcpetb[0]                       @180      0x00
      ub1 kcvcpetb[1]                       @181      0x00
      ub1 kcvcpetb[2]                       @182      0x00
      ub1 kcvcpetb[3]                       @183      0x00
      ub1 kcvcpetb[4]                       @184      0x00
      ub1 kcvcpetb[5]                       @185      0x00
      ub1 kcvcpetb[6]                       @186      0x00
      ub1 kcvcpetb[7]                       @187      0x00
   ub4 kcvfhbhz                             @312      0x00000000
   struct kcvfhxcd, 16 bytes                @316     
      ub4 space_kcvmxcd[0]                  @316      0x00000000
      ub4 space_kcvmxcd[1]                  @320      0x00000000
      ub4 space_kcvmxcd[2]                  @324      0x00000000
      ub4 space_kcvmxcd[3]                  @328      0x00000000
   sword kcvfhtsn                           @332      0
   ub2 kcvfhtln                             @336      0x0006
   text kcvfhtnm[0]                         @338     S
   text kcvfhtnm[1]                         @339     Y
   text kcvfhtnm[2]                         @340     S
   text kcvfhtnm[3]                         @341     T
   text kcvfhtnm[4]                         @342     E
   text kcvfhtnm[5]                         @343     M
   text kcvfhtnm[6]                         @344      
   text kcvfhtnm[7]                         @345      
   text kcvfhtnm[8]                         @346      
   text kcvfhtnm[9]                         @347      
   text kcvfhtnm[10]                        @348      
   text kcvfhtnm[11]                        @349      
   text kcvfhtnm[12]                        @350      
   text kcvfhtnm[13]                        @351      
   text kcvfhtnm[14]                        @352      
   text kcvfhtnm[15]                        @353      
   text kcvfhtnm[16]                        @354      
   text kcvfhtnm[17]                        @355      
   text kcvfhtnm[18]                        @356      
   text kcvfhtnm[19]                        @357      
   text kcvfhtnm[20]                        @358      
   text kcvfhtnm[21]                        @359      
   text kcvfhtnm[22]                        @360      
   text kcvfhtnm[23]                        @361      
   text kcvfhtnm[24]                        @362      
   text kcvfhtnm[25]                        @363      
   text kcvfhtnm[26]                        @364      
   text kcvfhtnm[27]                        @365      
   text kcvfhtnm[28]                        @366      
   text kcvfhtnm[29]                        @367      
   ub4 kcvfhrfn                             @368      0x00000001
   struct kcvfhrfs, 8 bytes                 @372     
      ub4 kscnbas                           @372      0x00000000
      ub2 kscnwrp                           @376      0x0000
      ub2 kscnwrp2                          @378      0x0000
   ub4 kcvfhrft                             @380      0x00000000
   struct kcvfhafs, 8 bytes                 @384     
      ub4 kscnbas                           @384      0x00000000
      ub2 kscnwrp                           @388      0x0000
      ub2 kscnwrp2                          @390      0x0000
   ub4 kcvfhbbc                             @392      0x00000000
   ub4 kcvfhncb                             @396      0x00000000
   ub4 kcvfhmcb                             @400      0x00000000
   ub4 kcvfhlcb                             @404      0x00000000
   ub4 kcvfhbcs                             @408      0x00000000
   ub2 kcvfhofb                             @412      0x000a
   ub2 kcvfhnfb                             @414      0x000a
   ub4 kcvfhprc                             @416      0x3b90f0b9
   struct kcvfhprs, 8 bytes                 @420     
      ub4 kscnbas                           @420      0x00000001
      ub2 kscnwrp                           @424      0x0000
      ub2 kscnwrp2                          @426      0x0000
   struct kcvfhprfs, 8 bytes                @428     
      ub4 kscnbas                           @428      0x00000000
      ub2 kscnwrp                           @432      0x0000
      ub2 kscnwrp2                          @434      0x0000
   ub4 kcvfhtrt                             @444      0x00000000


ORA-600 kcbzib_kcrsds_1报错

联系:手机/微信(+86 17813235971) QQ(107644445)QQ咨询惜分飞

标题:ORA-600 kcbzib_kcrsds_1报错


客户存储故障,修复之后,多套库增加_allow_resetlogs_corruption隐含参数强制拉库出现都类似错误ORA-600 kcbzib_kcrsds_1,出现这个错误,一般都是由于数据库不一致强制拉库导致

 alter database open resetlogs
RESETLOGS is being done without consistancy checks. This may result
in a corrupted database. The database should be recreated.
RESETLOGS after incomplete recovery UNTIL CHANGE 149251865354 time 
Clearing online redo logfile 1 +DG_XFF/xifenfei/ONLINELOG/group_1.258.983824407
Clearing online redo logfile 2 +DG_XFF/xifenfei/ONLINELOG/group_2.259.983824409
Clearing online redo logfile 3 +DG_XFF/xifenfei/ONLINELOG/group_3.266.983825461
Clearing online redo logfile 4 +DG_XFF/xifenfei/ONLINELOG/group_4.267.983825461
Clearing online log 1 of thread 1 sequence number 20749
Clearing online log 2 of thread 1 sequence number 20750
Clearing online log 3 of thread 2 sequence number 1371
Clearing online log 4 of thread 2 sequence number 1372
ALTER SYSTEM SET remote_listener=' xifenfeidb-cluster-scan:1521' SCOPE=MEMORY SID='xifenfei2';
ALTER SYSTEM SET listener_networks='' SCOPE=MEMORY SID='xifenfei2';
Clearing online redo logfile 1 complete
Clearing online redo logfile 2 complete
Clearing online redo logfile 3 complete
Clearing online redo logfile 4 complete
Resetting resetlogs activation ID 3002369299 (0xb2f48513)
Online log +DG_XFF/xifenfei/ONLINELOG/group_1.258.983824407: Thread 1 Group 1 was previously cleared
Online log +DG_XFF/xifenfei/ONLINELOG/group_2.259.983824409: Thread 1 Group 2 was previously cleared
Online log +DG_XFF/xifenfei/ONLINELOG/group_3.266.983825461: Thread 2 Group 3 was previously cleared
Online log +DG_XFF/xifenfei/ONLINELOG/group_4.267.983825461: Thread 2 Group 4 was previously cleared
Setting recovery target incarnation to 2
This instance was first to open
Ping without log force is disabled:
  not an Exadata system.
Picked broadcast on commit scheme to generate SCNs
Endian type of dictionary set to little
Assigning activation ID 3019587675 (0xb3fb405b)
TT00: Gap Manager starting (PID:22467)
Thread 2 opened at log sequence 1
  Current log# 3 seq# 1 mem# 0: +DG_XFF/xifenfei/ONLINELOG/group_3.266.983825461
Successful open of redo thread 2
MTTR advisory is disabled because FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET is not set
Sleep 5 seconds and then try to clear SRLs in 2 time(s)
start recovery: pdb 0, passed in flags x10 (domain enable 0) 
Instance recovery: looking for dead threads
Instance recovery: lock domain invalid but no dead threads
validate pdb 0, flags x10, valid 0, pdb flags x84 
* validated domain 0, flags = 0x80
Instance recovery complete: valid 1 (flags x10, recovery domain flags x80) 
Errors in file /oracle/base/oracle/diag/rdbms/xifenfei/xifenfei2/trace/xifenfei2_ora_21292.trc  (incident=128552):
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kcbzib_kcrsds_1], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
Use ADRCI or Support Workbench to package the incident.
See Note 411.1 at My Oracle Support for error and packaging details.
An internal routine has requested a dump of selected redo.
This usually happens following a specific internal error, when
analysis of the redo logs will help Oracle Support with the
It is recommended that you retain all the redo logs generated (by
all the instances) during the past 12 hours, in case additional
redo dumps are required to help with the diagnosis.
Errors in file /oracle/base/oracle/diag/rdbms/xifenfei/xifenfei2/trace/xifenfei2_ora_21292.trc:
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kcbzib_kcrsds_1], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
Errors in file /oracle/base/oracle/diag/rdbms/xifenfei/xifenfei2/trace/xifenfei2_ora_21292.trc:
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kcbzib_kcrsds_1], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
Error 600 happened during db open, shutting down database
Errors in file /oracle/base/oracle/diag/rdbms/xifenfei/xifenfei2/trace/xifenfei2_ora_21292.trc  (incident=128553):
ORA-00603: ORACLE server session terminated by fatal error
ORA-01092: ORACLE instance terminated. Disconnection forced
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kcbzib_kcrsds_1], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
opiodr aborting process unknown ospid (21292) as a result of ORA-603


Media Recovery Start
 Started logmerger process
Media Recovery failed with error 16433
Errors in file /oracle/base/oracle/diag/rdbms/xifenfei/xifenfei1/trace/xifenfei1_m000_1593.trc:
ORA-01110: data file 11: '+DG_XFF/xifenfei/DATAFILE/ls_zh.274.984235699'
Errors in file /oracle/base/oracle/diag/rdbms/xifenfei/xifenfei1/trace/xifenfei1_m000_1593.trc:
ORA-01110: data file 12: '+DG_XFF/xifenfei/DATAFILE/sf_zh.275.984235715'
Errors in file /oracle/base/oracle/diag/rdbms/xifenfei/xifenfei1/trace/xifenfei1_m000_1593.trc:
ORA-01110: data file 13: '+DG_XFF/xifenfei/DATAFILE/tj_gl.276.984235729'
Recovery Slave PR00 previously exited with exception 283
ORA-283 signalled during: ALTER DATABASE RECOVER  database  ...

Input/output error故障恢复

联系:手机/微信(+86 17813235971) QQ(107644445)QQ咨询惜分飞

标题:Input/output error故障恢复



oracle@linux1:~> dd if=/oradata/orcl/system01.dbf of=/oradata/orcl/system01.dbf_bak bs=8192
dd: reading `/oradata/orcl/system01.dbf': Input/output error
83871+0 records in
83871+0 records out
687071232 bytes (687 MB) copied, 1.07177 s, 641 MB/s
dd: reading `/oradata/orcl/system01.dbf': Input/output error
83871+0 records in
83871+0 records out
687071232 bytes (687 MB) copied, 1.0731 s, 640 MB/s
dd: reading `/oradata/orcl/system01.dbf': Input/output error
83871+0 records in
83871+0 records out
687071232 bytes (687 MB) copied, 1.07431 s, 640 MB/s
dd: reading `/oradata/orcl/system01.dbf': Input/output error
85158+1 records in
85158+1 records out
697618432 bytes (698 MB) copied, 4.11649 s, 169 MB/s
dd: reading `/oradata/orcl/system01.dbf': Input/output error
85158+1 records in
85158+1 records out
697618432 bytes (698 MB) copied, 5.64775 s, 124 MB/s
dd: reading `/oradata/orcl/system01.dbf': Input/output error
85158+1 records in
85158+1 records out
697618432 bytes (698 MB) copied, 7.1791 s, 97.2 MB/s
dd: reading `/oradata/orcl/system01.dbf': Input/output error
85158+1 records in
85158+1 records out
697618432 bytes (698 MB) copied, 8.70247 s, 80.2 MB/s
dd: reading `/oradata/orcl/system01.dbf': Input/output error
85158+1 records in
85158+1 records out
697618432 bytes (698 MB) copied, 10.2258 s, 68.2 MB/s
dd: reading `/oradata/orcl/system01.dbf': Input/output error
85158+1 records in
85158+1 records out
697618432 bytes (698 MB) copied, 10.2272 s, 68.2 MB/s
dd: reading `/oradata/orcl/system01.dbf': Input/output error
85158+1 records in
85158+1 records out
697618432 bytes (698 MB) copied, 10.2284 s, 68.2 MB/s
dd: reading `/oradata/orcl/system01.dbf': Input/output error
85158+1 records in
85158+1 records out
697618432 bytes (698 MB) copied, 10.2296 s, 68.2 MB/s
dd: reading `/oradata/orcl/system01.dbf': Input/output error
85158+1 records in
85158+1 records out
697618432 bytes (698 MB) copied, 10.2309 s, 68.2 MB/s
dd: reading `/oradata/orcl/system01.dbf': Input/output error
85170+1 records in
85170+1 records out
697716736 bytes (698 MB) copied, 11.7563 s, 59.3 MB/s
dd: reading `/oradata/orcl/system01.dbf': Input/output error
85170+1 records in
85170+1 records out
697716736 bytes (698 MB) copied, 13.3038 s, 52.4 MB/s
93431+1 records in
93431+1 records out
765390848 bytes (765 MB) copied, 18.2578 s, 41.9 MB/s


C:\Users\XIFENFEI>dbv file=f:/

DBVERIFY: Release - Production on 星期日 2月 24 22:46:59 2019

Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

DBVERIFY - 开始验证: FILE = f:/
页 83871 标记为损坏
Corrupt block relative dba: 0x0041479f (file 1, block 83871)
Bad header found during dbv:
Data in bad block:
 type: 229 format: 5 rdba: 0xe5e5e5e5
 last change scn: 0xe5e5.e5e5e5e5 seq: 0xe5 flg: 0xe5
 spare1: 0xe5 spare2: 0xe5 spare3: 0xe5e5
 consistency value in tail: 0xe5e5e5e5
 check value in block header: 0xe5e5
 computed block checksum: 0x0

页 83872 标记为损坏
Corrupt block relative dba: 0x004147a0 (file 1, block 83872)
Bad header found during dbv:
Data in bad block:
 type: 229 format: 5 rdba: 0xe5e5e5e5
 last change scn: 0xe5e5.e5e5e5e5 seq: 0xe5 flg: 0xe5
 spare1: 0xe5 spare2: 0xe5 spare3: 0xe5e5
 consistency value in tail: 0xe5e5e5e5
 check value in block header: 0xe5e5
 computed block checksum: 0x0

页 83873 标记为损坏
Corrupt block relative dba: 0x004147a1 (file 1, block 83873)
Bad header found during dbv:
Data in bad block:
 type: 229 format: 5 rdba: 0xe5e5e5e5
 last change scn: 0xe5e5.e5e5e5e5 seq: 0xe5 flg: 0xe5
 spare1: 0xe5 spare2: 0xe5 spare3: 0xe5e5
 consistency value in tail: 0x759c0601
 check value in block header: 0xe5e5
 computed block checksum: 0xddc6

页 85161 流入 - 很可能是介质损坏
Corrupt block relative dba: 0x00414ca9 (file 1, block 85161)
Fractured block found during dbv:
Data in bad block:
 type: 6 format: 2 rdba: 0x00414ca9
 last change scn: 0x0000.0ce20ac2 seq: 0x2 flg: 0x04
 spare1: 0x0 spare2: 0x0 spare3: 0x0
 consistency value in tail: 0xe5e5e5e5
 check value in block header: 0x47f0
 computed block checksum: 0xc3ab

页 85162 标记为损坏
Corrupt block relative dba: 0x00414caa (file 1, block 85162)
Bad header found during dbv:
Data in bad block:
 type: 229 format: 5 rdba: 0xe5e5e5e5
 last change scn: 0xe5e5.e5e5e5e5 seq: 0xe5 flg: 0xe5
 spare1: 0xe5 spare2: 0xe5 spare3: 0xe5e5
 consistency value in tail: 0xe5e5e5e5
 check value in block header: 0xe5e5
 computed block checksum: 0x0

页 85163 标记为损坏
Corrupt block relative dba: 0x00414cab (file 1, block 85163)
Bad header found during dbv:
Data in bad block:
 type: 229 format: 5 rdba: 0xe5e5e5e5
 last change scn: 0xe5e5.e5e5e5e5 seq: 0xe5 flg: 0xe5
 spare1: 0xe5 spare2: 0xe5 spare3: 0xe5e5
 consistency value in tail: 0xe5e5e5e5
 check value in block header: 0xe5e5
 computed block checksum: 0x0

页 85164 标记为损坏
Corrupt block relative dba: 0x00414cac (file 1, block 85164)
Bad header found during dbv:
Data in bad block:
 type: 229 format: 5 rdba: 0xe5e5e5e5
 last change scn: 0xe5e5.e5e5e5e5 seq: 0xe5 flg: 0xe5
 spare1: 0xe5 spare2: 0xe5 spare3: 0xe5e5
 consistency value in tail: 0xe5e5e5e5
 check value in block header: 0xe5e5
 computed block checksum: 0x0

页 85165 标记为损坏
Corrupt block relative dba: 0x00414cad (file 1, block 85165)
Bad header found during dbv:
Data in bad block:
 type: 229 format: 5 rdba: 0xe5e5e5e5
 last change scn: 0xe5e5.e5e5e5e5 seq: 0xe5 flg: 0xe5
 spare1: 0xe5 spare2: 0xe5 spare3: 0xe5e5
 consistency value in tail: 0xe5e5e5e5
 check value in block header: 0xe5e5
 computed block checksum: 0x0

页 85166 标记为损坏
Corrupt block relative dba: 0x00414cae (file 1, block 85166)
Bad header found during dbv:
Data in bad block:
 type: 229 format: 5 rdba: 0xe5e5e5e5
 last change scn: 0xe5e5.e5e5e5e5 seq: 0xe5 flg: 0xe5
 spare1: 0xe5 spare2: 0xe5 spare3: 0xe5e5
 consistency value in tail: 0xe5e5e5e5
 check value in block header: 0xe5e5
 computed block checksum: 0x0

页 85167 标记为损坏
Corrupt block relative dba: 0x00414caf (file 1, block 85167)
Bad header found during dbv:
Data in bad block:
 type: 229 format: 5 rdba: 0xe5e5e5e5
 last change scn: 0xe5e5.e5e5e5e5 seq: 0xe5 flg: 0xe5
 spare1: 0xe5 spare2: 0xe5 spare3: 0xe5e5
 consistency value in tail: 0xe5e5e5e5
 check value in block header: 0xe5e5
 computed block checksum: 0x0

页 85177 流入 - 很可能是介质损坏
Corrupt block relative dba: 0x00414cb9 (file 1, block 85177)
Fractured block found during dbv:
Data in bad block:
 type: 6 format: 2 rdba: 0x00414cb9
 last change scn: 0x0000.0ce55ebf seq: 0x1 flg: 0x06
 spare1: 0x0 spare2: 0x0 spare3: 0x0
 consistency value in tail: 0xe5e5e5e5
 check value in block header: 0x54c9
 computed block checksum: 0x5ce5

页 85178 标记为损坏
Corrupt block relative dba: 0x00414cba (file 1, block 85178)
Bad header found during dbv:
Data in bad block:
 type: 229 format: 5 rdba: 0xe5e5e5e5
 last change scn: 0xe5e5.e5e5e5e5 seq: 0xe5 flg: 0xe5
 spare1: 0xe5 spare2: 0xe5 spare3: 0xe5e5
 consistency value in tail: 0xe5e5e5e5
 check value in block header: 0xe5e5
 computed block checksum: 0x0

页 85179 标记为损坏
Corrupt block relative dba: 0x00414cbb (file 1, block 85179)
Bad header found during dbv:
Data in bad block:
 type: 229 format: 5 rdba: 0xe5e5e5e5
 last change scn: 0xe5e5.e5e5e5e5 seq: 0xe5 flg: 0xe5
 spare1: 0xe5 spare2: 0xe5 spare3: 0xe5e5
 consistency value in tail: 0xe5e5e5e5
 check value in block header: 0xe5e5
 computed block checksum: 0x0

页 85180 标记为损坏
Corrupt block relative dba: 0x00414cbc (file 1, block 85180)
Bad header found during dbv:
Data in bad block:
 type: 229 format: 5 rdba: 0xe5e5e5e5
 last change scn: 0xe5e5.e5e5e5e5 seq: 0xe5 flg: 0xe5
 spare1: 0xe5 spare2: 0xe5 spare3: 0xe5e5
 consistency value in tail: 0xe5e5e5e5
 check value in block header: 0xe5e5
 computed block checksum: 0x0

页 85181 标记为损坏
Corrupt block relative dba: 0x00414cbd (file 1, block 85181)
Bad header found during dbv:
Data in bad block:
 type: 229 format: 5 rdba: 0xe5e5e5e5
 last change scn: 0xe5e5.e5e5e5e5 seq: 0xe5 flg: 0xe5
 spare1: 0xe5 spare2: 0xe5 spare3: 0xe5e5
 consistency value in tail: 0xe5e5e5e5
 check value in block header: 0xe5e5
 computed block checksum: 0x0

页 85182 标记为损坏
Corrupt block relative dba: 0x00414cbe (file 1, block 85182)
Bad header found during dbv:
Data in bad block:
 type: 229 format: 5 rdba: 0xe5e5e5e5
 last change scn: 0xe5e5.e5e5e5e5 seq: 0xe5 flg: 0xe5
 spare1: 0xe5 spare2: 0xe5 spare3: 0xe5e5
 consistency value in tail: 0xe5e5e5e5
 check value in block header: 0xe5e5
 computed block checksum: 0x0

页 85183 标记为损坏
Corrupt block relative dba: 0x00414cbf (file 1, block 85183)
Bad header found during dbv:
Data in bad block:
 type: 229 format: 5 rdba: 0xe5e5e5e5
 last change scn: 0xe5e5.e5e5e5e5 seq: 0xe5 flg: 0xe5
 spare1: 0xe5 spare2: 0xe5 spare3: 0xe5e5
 consistency value in tail: 0xe5e5e5e5
 check value in block header: 0xe5e5
 computed block checksum: 0x0


检查的页总数: 93440
处理的页总数 (数据): 64294
失败的页总数 (数据): 0
处理的页总数 (索引): 12616
失败的页总数 (索引): 0
处理的页总数 (其它): 3111
处理的总页数 (段)  : 0
失败的总页数 (段)  : 0
空的页总数: 13402
标记为损坏的总页数: 17
流入的页总数: 2
最高块 SCN            : 1073748415 (0.1073748415)


经过一系列恢复,数据库强制打开,数据库后台报ORA-7445 kkogbro

Completed: alter database open resetlogs upgrade
Sun Feb 24 18:06:36 2019
MMON started with pid=15, OS id=9032 
Sun Feb 24 18:07:50 2019
Errors in file d:\app\diag\rdbms\orcl\orcl\trace\orcl_ora_8336.trc:
Sun Feb 24 18:07:52 2019
Trace dumping is performing id=[cdmp_20190224180752]
Sun Feb 24 18:09:42 2019
alter tablespace temp add tempfile 'f:/' size 128m autoextend on
Completed: alter tablespace temp add tempfile 'f:/' size 128m autoextend on
Exception [type: ACCESS_VIOLATION, UNABLE_TO_READ] [ADDR:0x166] [PC:0x38E41AD, kkogbro()+497]
ERROR: Unable to normalize symbol name for the following short stack (at offset 199):
Errors in file d:\app\diag\rdbms\orcl\orcl\trace\orcl_ora_8336.trc  (incident=2540):
ORA-07445: 出现异常错误: 核心转储 [kkogbro()+497] [ACCESS_VIOLATION] [ADDR:0x166] [PC:0x38E41AD] [UNABLE_TO_READ] []
Incident details in: d:\app\diag\rdbms\orcl\orcl\incident\incdir_2540\orcl_ora_8336_i2540.trc
