如何在 oracle 集群环境下修改私网信息 (Doc ID 2103317.1)

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标题:如何在 oracle 集群环境下修改私网信息 (Doc ID 2103317.1)


Oracle 集群中的网络信息(接口,子网及每个网卡的角色)都可以被’oifcfg’ 命令管理, 但是没有网卡的IP地址除外,oifcfg 命令不能修改IP地址信息. ‘oifcfg getif’ 命令可以用来显示OCR中当前网卡的配置信息:

% $CRS_HOME/bin/oifcfg getif
<interfacename>0 10.X.XXX.0 global public
<interfacename>1 192.XXX.X.0 global cluster_interconnect

在 Unix/Linux 系统中,网卡名字是被系统自动分配的,依据系统平台的不同而不同。对于 windows 系统,请参考下面的附带的文档. 上面的例子显示当前网卡 <interfacename>0 被用作公网并且子网为 <interfacename>1 被用作集群私网,子网为192.168.0.0。

‘公有’ 网络是服务器与客户端之间的通信(与 VIP 使用相同的网段并以不同的记录存储在 OCR 中),与之对应的’cluster_interconnect’网络是用来在 RDBMS/ASM 节点间缓存融合。从 11gR2 开始,cluster_interconnect 同时被用作集群间的心跳,相对于 11gR2 以前的版本,当配置集群心跳信息时指定主机名而言,这是一个标志性的改变。

如果私有网卡的子网或接口名字配置不正确,我们需要使用 crs/grid 用户来更改。


例1: 更改私有主机名

在 11.2 oracle clusterware 之前的版本,私有主机名被记录在 OCR 中, 它不能被更改,一般情况下私有主机名是不需要改变的,它附属的 ip 可以被更改,只有使用删除/添加节点或重新安装 oracle clusterware 来更改私有主机名。

在 11.2 Grid 结构中,私有主机名不在记录在 OCR 中,并且不存在依赖关系,所以它可以在 /etc/hosts 文件中任意更改。


例2:只更改私有 ip 地址不更改网卡、子网及子网掩码信息

举例,私有 ip 地址从 192.XXX.X.10 更改至 192.XXX.X.21,网卡名字及子网保持不变。或者只改变MAC地址,保持private IP address/interface name/subnet/network不变

只要关闭需要更改主机上的 oracle clusterware 软件,在操作系统层,根据需求更改私有 ip 地址或者MAC地址(如:/etc/hosts,OS network config 等等), 再重启启动 oracle clusterware 软件即可。


例3:只改变私有网络的 MTU 值

举例, 将私有网络 MTU 值从1500更改至9000(激活 jumbo frame),网卡名字保持不变。

1. 关闭集群中的所有节点。
2. 在操作系统层更改 MTU 需要设定的值,确保更改后 MTU 值的私有网卡可用并且可以 ping 通集群中的所有节点。
3. 重启所有节点的集群管理软件。



子网掩码从 更改至,私网 ip 为 192.168.0.x,子网标识保持不变,网卡名字没有改变.关闭所有需要更改的主机 oracle clusterware,在操作系统层修改私有网络IP地址(如:操作系统 网络配置等等)。并重启集群中所有节点,请注意,这种更改是不能采用轮转方式(rolling manaer)完成的。

当子网掩码被改变,附属的子网标识也经常会被改变,oracle 在 OCR 中只存储网卡名字及子网标识的信息,而不存储子网掩码。可以使用 oifcfg 命令完成这样的变更,oifcfg 命令只需在集群中的一个节点执行,而不是所有节点。


A. 对于 11gR2 以前的集群管理软件

1. 使用 oifcfg 命令添加新的私有网络信息,删除旧的私有网络信息:

% $ORA_CRS_HOME/bin/oifcfg/oifcfg setif -global <if_name>/<subnet>:cluster_interconnect
% $ORA_CRS_HOME/bin/oifcfg/oifcfg delif -global <if_name>[/<subnet>]]

% $ORA_CRS_HOME/bin/oifcfg setif -global <interfacename>3/
% $ORA_CRS_HOME/bin/oifcfg delif -global <interfacename>1/

% $ORA_CRS_HOME/bin/oifcfg getif
eth0 10.X.XXX.0 global public
eth3 192.XXX.2.0 global cluster_interconnect

2. 关闭 Oracle Clusterware

使用 root 用户执行: # crsctl stop crs

3. 在操作系统层面更改网络配置,修改集群内所有节点的 /etc/hosts 文件,确保集群内所有节点新的网络设置都已生效:

% ping <private hostname/IP>
% ifconfig -a  on Unix/Linux

% ipconfig /all on windows

4. 重新启动 Oracle Clusterware

以 root 用户:# crsctl start crs

提示:如果在 linux 系统上正在运行 OCFS2,则可能还需要更改 OCFS2 运行在其它节点的私有 ip 地址. 更多详细的信息,请参考: Note 604958.1


B. 对于 11gR2 和 12c 上没有使用 flex ASM 的版本

针对于 11.2 的结构,私有网络配置信息不但保存在 OCR 中,而且还保存在 gpnp 属性文件中。如果私有网络不可用或定义错误,则 CRSD 进程将无法启动,任何随后对于 OCR 的改变都是不可能完成的,因此需要注意当对私有网络的配置信息进行修改,正确的改变顺序是非常重要的。同时请注意,手动修改 gpnp 属性文件是不支持的。

在对集群中所有节点操作之前,请先备份 profile.xml 配置文件。作为 grid 用户执行:
$ cd $GRID_HOME/gpnp/<hostname>/profiles/peer/
$ cp -p profile.xml profile.xml.bk
1. 确保集群中的所有节点都已启动并正常运行

2. 使用 grid 用户:

获取下面信息, 例如:

$ oifcfg getif
<interfacename>1 global public
<interfacename>0 global cluster_interconnect

$ oifcfg setif -global <interface>/<subnet>:cluster_interconnect

a. 加入新的并有相同子网的接口卡 bond0
$ oifcfg setif -global bond0/

b. add a new subnet with the same interface name but different subnet or new interface name
$ 添加一个新的子网具有相同网卡的名称但不同的子网或新的网卡名

$ oifcfg setif -global eth3/


1. 如果网卡不可用,需要使用 –global 选项来完成,而不能使用 –node 选项,它将导致节点被驱逐。

2. 如果网卡在服务器上可用,则可以使用下面命令识别子网地址:
$ oifcfg iflist

它列出了网卡及子网地址,即使 oracle 集群没有启动,此命令也可以被执行。请注意,子网掩码有可能不是 x.y.z.0 的格式,它可以是 x.y.z.24,x.y.z.64 或 x.y.z.128 等格式。如:
$ oifcfg iflist
lan2        << 这是一个私有网络子网地址附属的私有网络 ip 地址为 10.2.3.XX

3. 如果需要添加第二个私有网络,而不是替换现有的私有网络,则需要保证两个网卡的 MTU 值相同,否则实例将无法启动并报如下错误信息:
ORA-27504: IPC error creating OSD context
ORA-27300: OS system dependent operation:if MTU failed with status: 0
ORA-27301: OS failure message: Error 0
ORA-27302: failure occurred at: skgxpcini2
ORA-27303: additional information: requested interface lan1:801 has a different MTU (1500) than lan3:801 (9000), which is not supported. Check output from ifconfig command

4. 对于 11gR2 或更高版本, 不建议在 ASM 或 database 的 spfile 或 pfile 中设置 cluster interconnects 参数。无论什么原因如果设置了该参数,则需要在集群关闭之前需将新的私网 ip 地址设置在 spfile 或 pfile 中,否则它会由于私网信息不匹配而导致重启失败。

$ oifcfg getif
3. 使用 root 用户关闭集群中所有的节点并禁用集群:

# crsctl stop crs
# crsctl disable crs
4. 使网络配置信息都已在 OS 层更改完成,确保更改完成后新的接口在所有的节点都可用有效:

$ ifconfig -a
$ ping <private hostname>
5. 使用 root 用户激活 oracle 集群并重新启动集群中的所有节点:

# crsctl enable crs
# crsctl start crs
6. 如果需要去除旧接口卡信息:

$ oifcfg delif -global <interface>[/<subnet>]
$ oifcfg delif -global eth0/


C. 对于 12C和18C flex ASM 结构


在对集群中所有节点操作之前,请先备份 profile.xml 配置文件。 作为 grid 用户执行:
$ cd $GRID_HOME/gpnp/<hostname>/profiles/peer/
$ cp -p profile.xml profile.xml.bk

1. 确保 oracle 集群中的所有节点都已正常运行。

2. 使用 grid 用户:


$ oifcfg getif
<interfacename>1 global public
<interfacename>0 global cluster_interconnect,asm

上面例子显示网卡 ech0 被用作集群私网和 ASM 网络。


$ oifcfg setif -global <interface>/<subnet>:cluster_interconnect[,asm]

a. 加入一个新的具有相同子网网卡 bond0
$ oifcfg setif -global bond0/,asm

b. 加入一个新的并具有相同网卡名字的子网,或不同子网和具有新的接口名字
$ oifcfg setif -global eth0/,asm

$ oifcfg setif -global eth3/,asm

如果有不同的网络用于私有网络和 ASM 网络,则可以对其进行相应的调整。

3. 当 ASMLISTENER 正被用作私有网络,如果对其修改则会影响 ASMLISTENER。需要添加一个新的 ASMLISTENER 及新的网络配置。如果 ASM 的子网网络没有改变则跳过这一步。

3.1. 加入一个新的 ASMLISTENE(例:ASMNEWLISNR_ASM)及新的子网,使用 grid 用户:

$ srvctl add  listener -asmlistener -l <new ASM LISTENER NAME> -subnet <new subnet>

$ srvctl add listener -asmlistener -l ASMNEWLSNR_ASM -subnet

3.2. 删除现有的 ASMLISTENER(这个例子中 ASMLSNR_ASM)并去除依赖关系,使用 grid 用户:

$ srvctl update listener -listener ASMLSNR_ASM -asm -remove -force
$ lsnrctl stop ASMLSNR_ASM
应当显示:  TNS-01101: Could not find listener name or service name ASMLSNR_ASM


注意. 需要使用 –force 选项,否则会出现下面错误:

$ srvctl update listener -listener ASMLSNR_ASM -asm -remove
PRCR-1025 : Resource ora.ASMLSNR_ASM.lsnr is still running
$ srvctl stop listener -l ASMLSNR_ASM
PRCR-1065 : Failed to stop resource ora.ASMLSNR_ASM.lsnr
CRS-2529: Unable to act on ‘ora.ASMLSNR_ASM.lsnr’ because that would require stopping or relocating ‘ora.asm’, but the force option was not specified
3.3 校验配置信息:

$ srvctl config listener -asmlistener
$ srvctl config asm
4. 使用 root 用户关闭集群中的所有节点并禁用集群:

# crsctl stop crs
# crsctl disable crs

5. 在操作系统层面更改网络配置,更改之后,确保所有节点上的新网卡生效:

$ ifconfig -a
$ ping <private hostname>

6. 使用 root 用户激活 oracle 集群并重新启动集群中的所有节点:

# crsctl enable crs
# crsctl start crs

7. 删除旧的网卡信息:

$ oifcfg delif -global <interface>[/<subnet>]
$ oifcfg delif -global <interfacename>0/



关于 19.X 的一些注意事项

在19c上存在一个新的资源 ora.asmnet1.asmnetwork 也需要更新

srvctl remove asmnetwork -netnum 1
srvctl add asmnetwork -netnum 1 -subnet XXX


$ srvctl remove asmnetwork -netnum 1

PRCR-1025 : Resource ora.asmnet1.asmnetwork is still running


$ srvctl remove asmnetwork -netnum 1

PRCR-1028 : Failed to remove resource ora.asmnet1.asmnetwork
PRCR-1072 : Failed to unregister ora.asmnet1.asmnetwork
CRS-2730: Resource ‘ora.ASMNET1LSNR_ASM.lsnr’ depends on resource ‘ora.asmnet1.asm


srvctl remove asmnetwork -netnum 1 -force


关于 11gR2 的一些注意事项
1. 如果底层网络配置已经更改, 但是 oifcfg 尚未执行同样的变更,则重启 oracle 集群会导致 crsd 进程不能启动。

crsd.log 日志将会显示如下:

2010-01-30 09:22:47.234: [ default][2926461424] CRS Daemon Starting
2010-01-30 09:22:47.273: [ GPnP][2926461424]clsgpnp_Init: [at clsgpnp0.c:837] GPnP client pid=7153, tl=3, f=0
2010-01-30 09:22:47.282: [ OCRAPI][2926461424]clsu_get_private_ip_addresses: no ip addresses found.
2010-01-30 09:22:47.282: [GIPCXCPT][2926461424] gipcShutdownF: skipping shutdown, count 2, from [ clsinet.c : 1732], ret gipcretSuccess (0)
2010-01-30 09:22:47.283: [GIPCXCPT][2926461424] gipcShutdownF: skipping shutdown, count 1, from [ clsgpnp0.c : 1021], ret gipcretSuccess (0)
[ OCRAPI][2926461424]a_init_clsss: failed to call clsu_get_private_ip_addr (7)
2010-01-30 09:22:47.285: [ OCRAPI][2926461424]a_init:13!: Clusterware init unsuccessful : [44]
2010-01-30 09:22:47.285: [ CRSOCR][2926461424] OCR context init failure. Error: PROC-44: Error in network address and interface operations Network address and interface operations error [7]
2010-01-30 09:22:47.285: [ CRSD][2926461424][PANIC] CRSD exiting: Could not init OCR, code: 44
2010-01-30 09:22:47.285: [ CRSD][2926461424] Done.

以上错误显示操作系统层面的设置(oifcfg iflist)与 gpnp profile.xml 配置文件设置不匹配。

解决方法:恢复操作系统网络配置到最初的状态,启动 oracle 集群,然后再按照上面的步骤重新更改。

如果底层的网络并没有改变,但 oifcfg 已经被设置了一个错误的子网地址或接口名字,则会发生同样的问题。

2. 如果集群中的任何一个节点关闭,oifcfg 命令将会失败并显示错误:

$ oifcfg setif -global bond0/
PRIF-26: Error in update the profiles in the cluster

解决方案:启动 oracle 集群中没有运行的节点,确保集群中所有的节点都已启动,如果由于操作系统原因不能启动的节点,请先将此节点从集群中删除在执行私网网络变更。

3. 如果执行上面命令的的用户非 GI 的拥有者,则会出现相同的错误:

$ oifcfg setif -global bond0/
PRIF-26: Error in update the profiles in the cluster

解决方案:确保使用 GI 的拥有者登录并执行上面命令。

4. 从 开始,如果在没有加入一个新私有网卡,就试图删除最后一个私有网卡(集群私网)则会发生下面错误:

PRIF-31: Failed to delete the specified network interface because it is the last private interface


5. 如果主机节点的 oracle 集群关闭在关闭状态,则会报下面错误:

$ oifcfg getif
PRIF-10: failed to initialize the cluster registry

解决方案:启动该主机节点上的 oracle 集群软件。


关于 Windows 系统注意事项

更改网卡的语法在 windows/RAC 和Unix/Linux 集群是一样的,但是网卡名称会略有不同,在 windows 系统上,默认分配给接口通常的名称为:

Local Area Connection
Local Area Connection 1
Local Area Connection 2

如果使用一个网卡名称含有空格,则名称必须使用引号括起来,同时,请注意这是区分大小写的。例如,在 windows上,设置集群私网链接:

C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\crs\bin\oifcfg setif -global “Local Area Connection 1″/

然而,在 windows 上重新命名网卡按最佳实践更有意义,如重命名为”ocwpublic” 和”ocwprivate”。如果 oracle 集群安装完成后需要更改网卡名字,则需要运行”oifcfg”命令来添加新的网卡并删除旧的。综上所述。


oifcfg iflist -p -n


使用 oifcfg 命令更改网卡名字的影响

对于私网网卡,数据库将使用存储在 OCR 中定义为集群互联的网卡作为节点间缓存融合通信。在告警日志开始的时候,就会显示集群互联有效的信息。在参数清单。例如:

For pre
Cluster communication is configured to use the following interface(s) for this instance

For (HAIP address will show in alert log instead of private IP)
Cluster communication is configured to use the following interface(s) for this instance

如果上面信息不正确,则实例需要重启以便 OCR 条目修正,这同样适用于 ASM 实例和数据库实例。在 windows 系统上,实例被关闭后,在 OCR 将被重读之前,还需要停止/启动 OracleService < SID >(或 OracleASMService < ASMSID > 。


Oifcfg 命令用法

查看 oifcfg 命令的全部选项,只需输入:

$ <CRS_HOME>/bin/oifcfg


更新 crsconfig_params

一些工具比如 fpp 或者 rhp 需要使用这个文件,因此它需要保持最新。


cd $GI_HOME/crs/install 并且备份文件 crsconfig_params
cp $GI_HOME/crs/install/crsconfig_params $GI_HOME/crs/install/crsconfig_params.orig


vi $GI_HOME/crs/install/crsconfig_params



例5 对于 11gR2 或以上版本的 HAIP 添加或删除集群私网

1. 添加另外的私有网络到现有的使用 HAIP 的集群中,作为 grid 用户执行:

$ oifcfg setif -global <interface>/<subnet>:cluster_interconnect


$ oifcfg setif -global <interfacename>/192.XXX.XX.0:cluster_interconnect

关闭 CRS 中的所有节点,通过重新启动 crs 中的所有节点,来使 HAIP 读入新的接口,不能使用滚动方式重启。

2. 在使用 HAIP 的集群中删除私有网络,作为 grid 用户执行:

$ oifcfg delif -global <nterface>

$ oifcfg delif -global <interfacename>

HAIP 将切换至其它可用接口,在接口被删除后,集群/数据库会继续采用此方式运行。

删除多余的 HAIP 接口,应关闭 CRS 所有节点,然后重启 CRS 所有节点。不能采用以滚动的方式重新启动 CRS。

本来来自:如何在 oracle 集群环境下修改私网信息 (Doc ID 2103317.1)

ORA-600 [kcvfdb_pdb_set_clean_scn: cleanckpt] 相关bug

联系:手机/微信(+86 17813235971) QQ(107644445)QQ咨询惜分飞

标题:ORA-600 [kcvfdb_pdb_set_clean_scn: cleanckpt] 相关bug


从oracle 12c引入pdb特性之后,数据库非常规恢复中就有一个ORA-600 [kcvfdb_pdb_set_clean_scn: cleanckpt]的噩梦,一般是在recreate controlfile之后resetlogs库之后,在open pdb会遇到这个错误,mos上主要bug信息

Bug 22709877 open resetlogs fails with ORA-600 [kcvfdb_pdb_set_clean_scn: cleanckpt]
kcvfdb_pdb_set_clean_scn cleanckpt

Bug 16784143 ORA-600 [kcvfdb_pdb_set_clean_scn: cleanckpt] with PDBs
bug 16784143

Bug 31686545 RMAN: Open PDB fails with ORA-00600 [kcvfdb_pdb_set_clean_scn: cleanckpt]
bug 31686545

对于这些bug引起的ORA-600 [kcvfdb_pdb_set_clean_scn: cleanckpt]问题,尽可能规避掉这些bug,实在无法规避考虑通过一些其他途径解决问题

ORA-600 krhpfh_03-1210故障处理

联系:手机/微信(+86 17813235971) QQ(107644445)QQ咨询惜分飞

标题:ORA-600 krhpfh_03-1210故障处理


rac数据库多个节点均处于open状态,数据查询正常,但是应用入库有些时候会失败报类似ORA-01187: cannot read from file because it failed verification tests错误:


Mon Aug 19 21:16:47 2024
Read of datafile '+DATA/xifenfei99.dbf' (fno 1399) header failed with ORA-01207
Rereading datafile 1399 header failed with ORA-01207
Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/xff/xff5/trace/xff5_ckpt_75779.trc:
ORA-01242: data file suffered media failure: database in NOARCHIVELOG mode
ORA-01122: database file 1399 failed verification check
ORA-01110: data file 1399: '+DATA/xifenfei99.dbf'
ORA-01207: file is more recent than control file - old control file
Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/xff/xff5/trace/xff5_ckpt_75779.trc:
ORA-01242: data file suffered media failure: database in NOARCHIVELOG mode
ORA-01122: database file 1399 failed verification check
ORA-01110: data file 1399: '+DATA/xifenfei99.dbf'
ORA-01207: file is more recent than control file - old control file
CKPT (ospid: 75779): terminating the instance due to error 1242
Mon Aug 19 21:16:47 2024
System state dump requested by (instance=5, osid=75779 (CKPT)), summary=[abnormal instance termination].
System State dumped to trace file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/xff/xff5/trace/xff5_diag_75725.trc
Mon Aug 19 21:16:52 2024
ORA-1092 : opitsk aborting process
Mon Aug 19 21:16:53 2024
ORA-1092 : opitsk aborting process
Mon Aug 19 21:16:53 2024
License high water mark = 131
Termination issued to instance processes. Waiting for the processes to exit
Mon Aug 19 21:17:02 2024
Instance termination failed to kill one or more processes
Instance terminated by CKPT, pid = 75779
Mon Aug 19 21:17:03 2024
USER (ospid: 33495): terminating the instance
Termination issued to instance processes. Waiting for the processes to exit
Mon Aug 19 21:17:13 2024
Instance termination failed to kill one or more processes
Instance terminated by USER, pid = 33495


可是有部分入库进程非常慢大量等待在enq:HW – contention

所有数据库节点alert日志偶尔报ORA-01186: file 1399 failed verification tests等错

Tue Aug 20 21:30:02 2024
Read of datafile '+DATA/xifenfei99.dbf' (fno 1399) header failed with ORA-01207
Rereading datafile 1399 header failed with ORA-01207
Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/xff/xff1/trace/xff1_dbw0_43828.trc:
ORA-01186: file 1399 failed verification tests
ORA-01122: database file 1399 failed verification check
ORA-01110: data file 1399: '+DATA/xifenfei99.dbf'
ORA-01207: file is more recent than control file - old control file
File 1399 not verified due to error ORA-01122
Read of datafile '+DATA/xifenfei99.dbf' (fno 1399) header failed with ORA-01207
Rereading datafile 1399 header failed with ORA-01207
Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/xff/xff1/trace/xff1_dbw0_43828.trc:
ORA-01186: file 1399 failed verification tests
ORA-01122: database file 1399 failed verification check
ORA-01110: data file 1399: '+DATA/xifenfei99.dbf'
ORA-01207: file is more recent than control file - old control file
File 1399 not verified due to error ORA-01122

1. 是由于该集群本身多节点(6个节点),只要有节点是open状态,其他节点关闭再启动依旧可以正常启动,但是无法写入数据到报ORA-01207错误的数据文件中(可以读取数据).
2. 如果所有节点关闭关闭,然后数据库无法正常启动会报ORA-01207: file is more recent than control file错误

这样的情况,根据以往经验,ORA-01207: file is more recent than control file通过重建ctl即可恢复,先关闭所有节点,然后尝试启动一个节点

SQL> alter database open;
alter database open
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01122: database file 1399 failed verification check
ORA-01110: data file 1399: '+DATA/xifenfei99.dbf'
ORA-01207: file is more recent than control file - old control file
alter database open
Wed Aug 21 14:14:22 2024
SUCCESS: diskgroup REDO was mounted
Wed Aug 21 14:14:22 2024
NOTE: dependency between database xff and diskgroup resource ora.REDO.dg is established
Wed Aug 21 14:14:27 2024
Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/xff/xff1/trace/xff1_ora_47884.trc:
ORA-01122: database file 1399 failed verification check
ORA-01110: data file 1399: '+DATA/xifenfei99.dbf'
ORA-01207: file is more recent than control file - old control file
ORA-1122 signalled during: alter database open...

和预期的一样,重试重建ctl,然后数据库报ORA-00600 [krhpfh_03-1210]错误

SQL> shutdown immediate;
ORA-01109: database not open

Database dismounted.
ORACLE instance shut down.
SQL> startup nomount pfile='/tmp/xff/pfile';
ORACLE instance started.

Total System Global Area 1.3255E+11 bytes
Fixed Size		    2244832 bytes
Variable Size		 9.7442E+10 bytes
Database Buffers	 3.4897E+10 bytes
Redo Buffers		  208654336 bytes
SQL> @rectl

Control file created.

SQL> recover database;
ORA-00283: recovery session canceled due to errors
ORA-01610: recovery using the BACKUP CONTROLFILE option must be done

SQL> recover database using backup controlfile;
ORA-00283: recovery session canceled due to errors
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [krhpfh_03-1210], [fno =], [1399],
[fhcpc =], [274968], [fhccc =], [274983], [], [], [], [], []
ORA-01110: data file 1399: '+DATA/xifenfei99.dbf'


BBED> set file 1399
	FILE#          	1399

BBED> p kcvfhccc
ub4 kcvfhccc                                @148      0x00043227 ===>274983(10进制)

BBED> p kcvfhcpc
ub4 kcvfhcpc                                @140      0x00043218 ===>274968(10进制)


BBED> m /x 2a390400 offset 148
Warning: contents of previous BIFILE will be lost. Proceed? (Y/N) y
 File: /tmp/xff/1399.dbf.header (1399)
 Block: 1                Offsets:  148 to  659           Dba:0x5dc00001
 2a390400 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 
 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 
 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 
 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 
 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 
 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0c000000 0f004441 
 5441315f 5442535f 45515f30 31000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 78010000 
 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 
 00000000 00000000 00000000 cfebdd33 01000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 
 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 
 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 419333df 81001c0a 6ab13046 06000000 
 c1520400 02000000 10000000 7e000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 
 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 
 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 
 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 
 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0d000d00 0d000100 00000000 00000000 

 <32 bytes per line>

BBED> m /x 2b390400 offset 140
 File: /tmp/xff/1399.dbf.header (1399)
 Block: 1                Offsets:  140 to  651           Dba:0x5dc00001
 2b390400 e6ef524d 2a390400 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 
 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 
 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 
 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 
 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 
 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 
 0c000000 0f004441 5441315f 5442535f 45515f30 31000000 00000000 00000000 
 00000000 78010000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 
 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 cfebdd33 01000000 00000000 
 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 
 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 419333df 81001c0a 
 6ab13046 06000000 c1520400 02000000 10000000 7e000000 00000000 00000000 
 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 
 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 
 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 
 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0d000d00 0d000100 

 <32 bytes per line>

修改好这些值之后,recover database和open数据库成功,检查字典正常,业务读写也正常,完成本次恢复任务

SQL> @hcheck
HCheck Version 07MAY18 on 21-AUG-2024 15:13:02
Catalog Version (1102000300)
db_name: XFF

				   Catalog	 Fixed
Procedure Name			   Version    Vs Release    Timestamp
------------------------------ ... ---------- -- ---------- --------------
.- LobNotInObj		       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/21 15:13:02 PASS
.- MissingOIDOnObjCol	       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/21 15:13:02 PASS
.- SourceNotInObj	       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/21 15:13:02 PASS
.- OversizedFiles	       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/21 15:13:02 PASS
.- PoorDefaultStorage	       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/21 15:13:02 PASS
.- PoorStorage		       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/21 15:13:02 PASS
.- TabPartCountMismatch        ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/21 15:13:02 PASS
.- OrphanedTabComPart	       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/21 15:13:03 PASS
.- MissingSum$		       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/21 15:13:03 PASS
.- MissingDir$		       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/21 15:13:03 PASS
.- DuplicateDataobj	       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/21 15:13:03 PASS
.- ObjSynMissing	       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/21 15:13:03 PASS
.- ObjSeqMissing	       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/21 15:13:03 PASS
.- OrphanedUndo 	       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/21 15:13:03 PASS
.- OrphanedIndex	       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/21 15:13:03 PASS
.- OrphanedIndexPartition      ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/21 15:13:03 PASS
.- OrphanedIndexSubPartition   ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/21 15:13:04 PASS
.- OrphanedTable	       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/21 15:13:04 PASS
.- OrphanedTablePartition      ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/21 15:13:04 PASS
.- OrphanedTableSubPartition   ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/21 15:13:04 PASS
.- MissingPartCol	       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/21 15:13:04 PASS
.- OrphanedSeg$ 	       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/21 15:13:04 PASS
.- OrphanedIndPartObj#	       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/21 15:13:04 PASS
.- DuplicateBlockUse	       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/21 15:13:04 PASS
.- FetUet		       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/21 15:13:04 PASS
.- Uet0Check		       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/21 15:13:04 PASS
.- SeglessUET		       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/21 15:13:04 PASS
.- BadInd$		       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/21 15:13:04 PASS
.- BadTab$		       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/21 15:13:04 PASS
.- BadIcolDepCnt	       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/21 15:13:04 PASS
.- ObjIndDobj		       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/21 15:13:04 PASS
.- TrgAfterUpgrade	       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/21 15:13:04 PASS
.- ObjType0		       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/21 15:13:04 PASS
.- BadOwner		       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/21 15:13:04 PASS
.- StmtAuditOnCommit	       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/21 15:13:04 PASS
.- BadPublicObjects	       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/21 15:13:04 PASS
.- BadSegFreelist	       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/21 15:13:04 PASS
.- BadDepends		       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/21 15:13:04 PASS
.- CheckDual		       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/21 15:13:05 PASS
.- ObjectNames		       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/21 15:13:05 PASS
.- BadCboHiLo		       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/21 15:13:05 PASS
.- ChkIotTs		       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/21 15:13:05 PASS
.- NoSegmentIndex	       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/21 15:13:05 PASS
.- BadNextObject	       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/21 15:13:05 PASS
.- DroppedROTS		       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/21 15:13:05 PASS
.- FilBlkZero		       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/21 15:13:05 PASS
.- DbmsSchemaCopy	       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/21 15:13:05 PASS
.- OrphanedObjError	       ... 1102000300 >  1102000000 08/21 15:13:05 PASS
.- ObjNotLob		       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/21 15:13:05 PASS
.- MaxControlfSeq	       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/21 15:13:05 PASS
.- SegNotInDeferredStg	       ... 1102000300 >  1102000000 08/21 15:13:06 PASS
.- SystemNotRfile1	       ... 1102000300 >   902000000 08/21 15:13:06 PASS
.- DictOwnNonDefaultSYSTEM     ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/21 15:13:07 PASS
.- OrphanTrigger	       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/21 15:13:07 PASS
.- ObjNotTrigger	       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/21 15:13:07 PASS
21-AUG-2024 15:13:07  Elapsed: 5 secs
Found 0 potential problem(s) and 0 warning(s)

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Statement processed.

Complete output is in trace file:

19c库启动报ORA-600 kcbzib_kcrsds_1

联系:手机/微信(+86 17813235971) QQ(107644445)QQ咨询惜分飞

标题:19c库启动报ORA-600 kcbzib_kcrsds_1


一套19c的库由于某种情况,发现异常,当时的技术使用隐含参数强制拉库,导致数据库启动报ORA-00704 ORA-600 kcbzib_kcrsds_1错误

TMI: adbdrv open database BEGIN 2024-08-24 06:11:25.494324
Smart fusion block transfer is disabled:
  instance mounted in exclusive mode.
Beginning crash recovery of 1 threads
 parallel recovery started with 7 processes
 Thread 1: Recovery starting at checkpoint rba (logseq 2 block 3), scn 286550073
Started redo scan
Completed redo scan
 read 0 KB redo, 0 data blocks need recovery
Started redo application at
 Thread 1: logseq 2, block 3, offset 0, scn 0x0000000011146839
Recovery of Online Redo Log: Thread 1 Group 2 Seq 2 Reading mem 0
  Mem# 0: /dbf/RLZY/redo02.log
Completed redo application of 0.00MB
Completed crash recovery at
 Thread 1: RBA 2.3.0, nab 3, scn 0x000000001114683a
 0 data blocks read, 0 data blocks written, 0 redo k-bytes read
Endian type of dictionary set to little
TT00 (PID:1614908): Gap Manager starting
Starting background process ARC0
ARC0 started with pid=54, OS id=1614910 
LGWR (PID:1614826): ARC0: Archival started
ARC0 (PID:1614910): Becoming a 'no FAL' ARCH
ARC0 (PID:1614910): Becoming the 'no SRL' ARCH
Starting background process ARC1
Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 3 (thread open)
Redo log for group 3, sequence 3 is not located on DAX storage
ARC1 started with pid=56, OS id=1614914 
Starting background process ARC2
Thread 1 opened at log sequence 3
  Current log# 3 seq# 3 mem# 0: /dbf/RLZY/redo03.log
Successful open of redo thread 1
MTTR advisory is disabled because FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET is not set
Stopping change tracking
ARC2 started with pid=57, OS id=1614916 
Starting background process ARC3
ARC3 started with pid=58, OS id=1614918 
TMON (PID:1614886): ARC1: Archival started
TMON (PID:1614886): ARC2: Archival started
TMON (PID:1614886): ARC3: Archival started
ARC0 (PID:1614910): Archived Log entry 2828 added for T-1.S-2 ID 0x74f18f91 LAD:1
TT03 (PID:1614922): Sleep 5 seconds and then try to clear SRLs in 2 time(s)
Errors in file /oracle/diag/rdbms/xff/xff/trace/xff_ora_1614892.trc  (incident=124865):
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kcbzib_kcrsds_1], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
Incident details in: /oracle/diag/rdbms/xff/xff/incident/incdir_124865/xff_ora_1614892_i124865.trc
Use ADRCI or Support Workbench to package the incident.
See Note 411.1 at My Oracle Support for error and packaging details.
An internal routine has requested a dump of selected redo.
This usually happens following a specific internal error, when
analysis of the redo logs will help Oracle Support with the
It is recommended that you retain all the redo logs generated (by
all the instances) during the past 12 hours, in case additional
redo dumps are required to help with the diagnosis.
Errors in file /oracle/diag/rdbms/xff/xff/trace/xff_ora_1614892.trc:
ORA-00704: bootstrap process failure
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kcbzib_kcrsds_1], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
Errors in file /oracle/diag/rdbms/xff/xff/trace/xff_ora_1614892.trc:
ORA-00704: bootstrap process failure
ORA-00704: bootstrap process failure
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kcbzib_kcrsds_1], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
Errors in file /oracle/diag/rdbms/xff/xff/trace/xff_ora_1614892.trc:
ORA-00704: bootstrap process failure
ORA-00704: bootstrap process failure
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kcbzib_kcrsds_1], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
Error 704 happened during db open, shutting down database
Errors in file /oracle/diag/rdbms/xff/xff/trace/xff_ora_1614892.trc  (incident=124866):
ORA-00603: ORACLE server session terminated by fatal error
ORA-01092: ORACLE instance terminated. Disconnection forced
ORA-00704: bootstrap process failure
ORA-00704: bootstrap process failure
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kcbzib_kcrsds_1], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
Incident details in: /oracle/diag/rdbms/xff/xff/incident/incdir_124866/xff_ora_1614892_i124866.trc
opiodr aborting process unknown ospid (1614892) as a result of ORA-603
Errors in file /oracle/diag/rdbms/xff/xff/trace/xff_ora_1614892.trc:
ORA-00603: ORACLE server session terminated by fatal error
ORA-01092: ORACLE instance terminated. Disconnection forced
ORA-00704: bootstrap process failure
ORA-00704: bootstrap process failure
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kcbzib_kcrsds_1], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
ORA-603 : opitsk aborting process
License high water mark = 8
USER(prelim) (ospid: 1614892): terminating the instance due to ORA error 704
Instance terminated by USER(prelim), pid = 1614892

官方关于kcbzib_kcrsds_1从解释只有:Bug 31887074 – sr21.1bigscn_hipu3 – trc – ksfdopn2 – ORA-600 [kcbzib_kcrsds_1] (Doc ID 31887074.8)

虽然关于ORA-600 [kcbzib_kcrsds_1],oracle官方没有给出来解决方案,其实通过以往大量的恢复案例和经验中已经知道,这个错误解决方案就是修改oracle scn的方法可以绕过去,以前有过一些类似恢复案例:
ORA-600 kcbzib_kcrsds_1报错
12C数据库报ORA-600 kcbzib_kcrsds_1故障处理
ORA-00603 ORA-01092 ORA-600 kcbzib_kcrsds_1
redo异常强制拉库报ORA-600 kcbzib_kcrsds_1修复
Patch SCN工具一键恢复ORA-600 kcbzib_kcrsds_1
存储故障,强制拉库报ORA-600 kcbzib_kcrsds_1处理


联系:手机/微信(+86 17813235971) QQ(107644445)QQ咨询惜分飞



最近给客户把oracle数据库从11.2.0.3 aix平台迁移到19.23 linux平台,使用impdp+network_link 按照用户的方式处理,结果发现有一个程序运行异常

ORA-01031: insufficient privileges通过程序跟踪确认是在调用以下部分异常

 DBMS_SESSION.set_context (

通过跟踪执行用户权限,确认EXECUTE ON SYS.DBMS_SESSION已经授权.做一个简单测试重现给问题:

SQL> show user;

SQL> exec DBMS_SESSION.SET_CONTEXT('test_ctx', 'a', '1');
BEGIN DBMS_SESSION.SET_CONTEXT('test_ctx', 'a', '1'); END;

第 1 行出现错误:
ORA-01031: 权限不足
ORA-06512: 在 "SYS.DBMS_SESSION", line 114
ORA-06512: 在 line 1



SQL> exec DBMS_SESSION.SET_CONTEXT('test_ctx', 'a', '1');
BEGIN DBMS_SESSION.SET_CONTEXT('test_ctx', 'a', '1'); END;

第 1 行出现错误:
ORA-01031: 权限不足
ORA-06512: 在 "SYS.DBMS_SESSION", line 114
ORA-06512: 在 line 1


确认namespace:The namespace of the application context to be set, limited to 128 bytes. Exceeding the maximum permissible length will result in an error during the execution of the procedure.

SQL> create context test_ctx using sys.DBMS_SESSION;


SQL> exec DBMS_SESSION.SET_CONTEXT('test_ctx', 'a', '1');

PL/SQL 过程已成功完成。

官方有相关的执行例子:Example: Creating a Global Application Context that Uses a Client Session ID