近期又遇到ORA-600 16703和ORA-702故障

联系:手机/微信(+86 17813235971) QQ(107644445)QQ咨询惜分飞

标题:近期又遇到ORA-600 16703和ORA-702故障


比较常见的由于软件注入恶意代码或者被人恶意破坏的常见故障ORA-600 16703和ORA-702故障

ORA-00702: bootstrap verison ” inconsistent with version ’′

ORA-600 16703故障解析—tab$表被清空
警告:互联网中有oracle介质被注入恶意程序导致—ORA-600 16703
1. 不要使用从第三方网站下载非官方的数据库访问软件(发生过被注入恶意脚本的plsql dev案例:plsql dev引起的数据库被黑勒索比特币实现原理分析和解决方案
2. 从官方下载oracle 安装程序和补丁程序(防止被注入恶意脚本,参考:警告:互联网中有oracle介质被注入恶意程序导致—ORA-600 16703


联系:手机/微信(+86 17813235971) QQ(107644445)QQ咨询惜分飞





[root@xff  appdata1]# cd receipt_2
[root@xff   receipt_2]# ls


[root@xff RECOVER_YOUR_DATA]# ls -ltr
total 116
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql    61 Jan 21 10:14 db.opt
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql  8560 Jan 21 10:14 RECOVER_YOUR_DATA.frm
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql 98304 Jan 21 10:14 RECOVER_YOUR_DATA.ibd

All your data is backed up. You must pay 0.018 BTC to 164hyKPAoC5ecqkJ2ygeGoGFRcauWRLujV In 48 hours,
your data will be publicly disclosed and deleted. (more information: go to http://iplis.ru/data2)
After payment send mail to us: rambler+280cs@onionmail.org and
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电话/微信:17813235971    Q Q:107644445QQ咨询惜分飞    E-Mail:dba@xifenfei.com

ORA-01033: ORACLE initialization or shutdown in progress 故障处理

联系:手机/微信(+86 17813235971) QQ(107644445)QQ咨询惜分飞

标题:ORA-01033: ORACLE initialization or shutdown in progress 故障处理


客户反馈数据库使用plsql dev登录报ORA-01033: ORACLE initialization or shutdown in progress的错误

出现该错误一般是由于数据库没有正常open成功,查看oracle 告警日志发现

Mon Jan 22 16:55:50 2024
Database mounted in Exclusive Mode
Lost write protection disabled
Completed: alter database mount exclusive
alter database open
Beginning crash recovery of 1 threads
 parallel recovery started with 15 processes
Started redo scan
Completed redo scan
 read 139 KB redo, 70 data blocks need recovery
Errors in file d:\app\administrator\diag\rdbms\orcl\orcl\trace\orcl_ora_7792.trc  (incident=20565):
ORA-00600: ??????, ??: [kcratr_nab_less_than_odr], [1], [1916], [28210], [28222], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
Incident details in: d:\app\administrator\diag\rdbms\orcl\orcl\incident\incdir_20565\orcl_ora_7792_i20565.trc
Mon Jan 22 16:55:57 2024
Trace dumping is performing id=[cdmp_20240122165557]
Aborting crash recovery due to error 600
Errors in file d:\app\administrator\diag\rdbms\orcl\orcl\trace\orcl_ora_7792.trc:
ORA-00600: ??????, ??: [kcratr_nab_less_than_odr], [1], [1916], [28210], [28222], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
Errors in file d:\app\administrator\diag\rdbms\orcl\orcl\trace\orcl_ora_7792.trc:
ORA-00600: ??????, ??: [kcratr_nab_less_than_odr], [1], [1916], [28210], [28222], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
ORA-600 signalled during: alter database open...

又一例ORA-600 kcratr_nab_less_than_odr
在恢复过程中中还遇到了ORA-00700 kcrf_split_brain_error错误,但是没有影响数据库open

Mon Jan 22 20:13:55 2024
alter database open
Beginning crash recovery of 1 threads
Started redo application at
 Thread 1: logseq 1916, block 27931
Recovery of Online Redo Log: Thread 1 Group 2 Seq 1916 Reading mem 0
Completed redo application of 0.00MB
Completed crash recovery at
 Thread 1: logseq 1916, block 28210, scn 43957072
 0 data blocks read, 0 data blocks written, 139 redo k-bytes read
Errors in file d:\app\xifenfei\diag\rdbms\orcl\orcl\trace\orcl_ora_6104.trc  (incident=15729):
ORA-00700: 软内部错误, 参数: [kcrf_split_brain_error], [1], [1916], [28222], [28209], [4], [], [], [], [], [], []
Incident details in: d:\app\xifenfei\diag\rdbms\orcl\orcl\incident\incdir_15729\orcl_ora_6104_i15729.trc
Mon Jan 22 20:13:56 2024
Trace dumping is performing id=[cdmp_20240122201356]
Mon Jan 22 20:13:56 2024
Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 1917 (thread open)
Thread 1 opened at log sequence 1917
  Current log# 3 seq# 1917 mem# 0: D:\TEMP\ORCL\REDO03.LOG
Successful open of redo thread 1
Mon Jan 22 20:13:56 2024
SMON: enabling cache recovery
Verifying file header compatibility for 11g tablespace encryption..
Verifying 11g file header compatibility for tablespace encryption completed
SMON: enabling tx recovery
Database Characterset is AL32UTF8
replication_dependency_tracking turned off (no async multimaster replication found)
WARNING: AQ_TM_PROCESSES is set to 0. System operation                     might be adversely affected.
Completed: alter database open



C:\Users\XIFENFEI>dbv file=d:/temp/orcl/system01.dbf

DBVERIFY: Release - Production on 星期一 1月 22 21:07:18 2024

Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.

页 106278 流入 - 很可能是介质损坏
Corrupt block relative dba: 0x00419f26 (file 1, block 106278)
Fractured block found during dbv:
Data in bad block:
 type: 6 format: 2 rdba: 0x00419f26
 last change scn: 0x0000.01410f78 seq: 0x2 flg: 0x04
 spare1: 0x0 spare2: 0x0 spare3: 0x0
 consistency value in tail: 0x00000000
 check value in block header: 0xbf11
 computed block checksum: 0xaf18

页 106279 标记为损坏
Corrupt block relative dba: 0x00419f27 (file 1, block 106279)
Bad header found during dbv:
Data in bad block:
 type: 178 format: 3 rdba: 0xc8c9c1b6
 last change scn: 0x0000.0a0df8c7 seq: 0x0 flg: 0x00
 spare1: 0xbf spare2: 0xc9 spare3: 0xc9bf
 consistency value in tail: 0x00000000
 check value in block header: 0xbbb2
 block checksum disabled

页 106280 标记为损坏
Corrupt block relative dba: 0x00419f28 (file 1, block 106280)
Bad header found during dbv:
Data in bad block:
 type: 178 format: 3 rdba: 0xc8c9c1b6
 last change scn: 0x0000.0a0df8c7 seq: 0x0 flg: 0x00
 spare1: 0xbf spare2: 0xc9 spare3: 0xc9bf
 consistency value in tail: 0x00000000
 check value in block header: 0xbbb2
 block checksum disabled

页 106281 标记为损坏
Corrupt block relative dba: 0x00419f29 (file 1, block 106281)
Bad header found during dbv:
Data in bad block:
 type: 178 format: 3 rdba: 0xc8c9c1b6
 last change scn: 0x0000.0a0df8c7 seq: 0x0 flg: 0x00
 spare1: 0xbf spare2: 0xc9 spare3: 0xc9bf
 consistency value in tail: 0x00000000
 check value in block header: 0xbbb2
 block checksum disabled

页 106282 标记为损坏
Corrupt block relative dba: 0x00419f2a (file 1, block 106282)
Bad header found during dbv:
Data in bad block:
 type: 178 format: 3 rdba: 0xc8c9c1b6
 last change scn: 0x0000.0a0df8c7 seq: 0x0 flg: 0x00
 spare1: 0xbf spare2: 0xc9 spare3: 0xc9bf
 consistency value in tail: 0x00000000
 check value in block header: 0xbbb2
 block checksum disabled

页 106283 标记为损坏
Corrupt block relative dba: 0x00419f2b (file 1, block 106283)
Bad header found during dbv:
Data in bad block:
 type: 178 format: 3 rdba: 0xc8c9c1b6
 last change scn: 0x0000.0a0df8c7 seq: 0x0 flg: 0x00
 spare1: 0xbf spare2: 0xc9 spare3: 0xc9bf
 consistency value in tail: 0x00000000
 check value in block header: 0xbbb2
 block checksum disabled

页 106284 标记为损坏
Corrupt block relative dba: 0x00419f2c (file 1, block 106284)
Bad header found during dbv:
Data in bad block:
 type: 178 format: 3 rdba: 0xc8c9c1b6
 last change scn: 0x0000.0a0df8c7 seq: 0x0 flg: 0x00
 spare1: 0xbf spare2: 0xc9 spare3: 0xc9bf
 consistency value in tail: 0x00000000
 check value in block header: 0xbbb2
 block checksum disabled

页 106285 标记为损坏
Corrupt block relative dba: 0x00419f2d (file 1, block 106285)
Bad header found during dbv:
Data in bad block:
 type: 178 format: 3 rdba: 0xc8c9c1b6
 last change scn: 0x0000.0a0df8c7 seq: 0x0 flg: 0x00
 spare1: 0xbf spare2: 0xc9 spare3: 0xc9bf
 consistency value in tail: 0x00000000
 check value in block header: 0xbbb2
 block checksum disabled

页 106286 标记为损坏
Corrupt block relative dba: 0x00419f2e (file 1, block 106286)
Bad header found during dbv:
Data in bad block:
 type: 178 format: 3 rdba: 0xc8c9c1b6
 last change scn: 0x0000.0a0df8c7 seq: 0x0 flg: 0x00
 spare1: 0xbf spare2: 0xc9 spare3: 0xc9bf
 consistency value in tail: 0x2c310602
 check value in block header: 0xbbb2
 block checksum disabled

页 143094 流入 - 很可能是介质损坏
Corrupt block relative dba: 0x00422ef6 (file 1, block 143094)
Fractured block found during dbv:
Data in bad block:
 type: 6 format: 2 rdba: 0x00422ef6
 last change scn: 0x0000.028f863b seq: 0x2 flg: 0x04
 spare1: 0x0 spare2: 0x0 spare3: 0x0
 consistency value in tail: 0x00000000
 check value in block header: 0xda23
 computed block checksum: 0x4210

页 143095 标记为损坏
Corrupt block relative dba: 0x00422ef7 (file 1, block 143095)
Bad header found during dbv:
Data in bad block:
 type: 178 format: 3 rdba: 0xc8c9c1b6
 last change scn: 0x0000.0a0df8c7 seq: 0x0 flg: 0x00
 spare1: 0xbf spare2: 0xc9 spare3: 0xc9bf
 consistency value in tail: 0x00000000
 check value in block header: 0xbbb2
 block checksum disabled

页 143096 标记为损坏
Corrupt block relative dba: 0x00422ef8 (file 1, block 143096)
Bad header found during dbv:
Data in bad block:
 type: 178 format: 3 rdba: 0xc8c9c1b6
 last change scn: 0x0000.0a0df8c7 seq: 0x0 flg: 0x00
 spare1: 0xbf spare2: 0xc9 spare3: 0xc9bf
 consistency value in tail: 0x00000000
 check value in block header: 0xbbb2
 block checksum disabled

页 143097 标记为损坏
Corrupt block relative dba: 0x00422ef9 (file 1, block 143097)
Bad header found during dbv:
Data in bad block:
 type: 178 format: 3 rdba: 0xc8c9c1b6
 last change scn: 0x0000.0a0df8c7 seq: 0x0 flg: 0x00
 spare1: 0xbf spare2: 0xc9 spare3: 0xc9bf
 consistency value in tail: 0x00000000
 check value in block header: 0xbbb2
 block checksum disabled

页 143098 标记为损坏
Corrupt block relative dba: 0x00422efa (file 1, block 143098)
Bad header found during dbv:
Data in bad block:
 type: 178 format: 3 rdba: 0xc8c9c1b6
 last change scn: 0x0000.0a0df8c7 seq: 0x0 flg: 0x00
 spare1: 0xbf spare2: 0xc9 spare3: 0xc9bf
 consistency value in tail: 0x00000000
 check value in block header: 0xbbb2
 block checksum disabled

页 143099 标记为损坏
Corrupt block relative dba: 0x00422efb (file 1, block 143099)
Bad header found during dbv:
Data in bad block:
 type: 178 format: 3 rdba: 0xc8c9c1b6
 last change scn: 0x0000.0a0df8c7 seq: 0x0 flg: 0x00
 spare1: 0xbf spare2: 0xc9 spare3: 0xc9bf
 consistency value in tail: 0x00000000
 check value in block header: 0xbbb2
 block checksum disabled

页 143100 标记为损坏
Corrupt block relative dba: 0x00422efc (file 1, block 143100)
Bad header found during dbv:
Data in bad block:
 type: 178 format: 3 rdba: 0xc8c9c1b6
 last change scn: 0x0000.0a0df8c7 seq: 0x0 flg: 0x00
 spare1: 0xbf spare2: 0xc9 spare3: 0xc9bf
 consistency value in tail: 0x00000000
 check value in block header: 0xbbb2
 block checksum disabled

页 143101 标记为损坏
Corrupt block relative dba: 0x00422efd (file 1, block 143101)
Bad header found during dbv:
Data in bad block:
 type: 178 format: 3 rdba: 0xc8c9c1b6
 last change scn: 0x0000.0a0df8c7 seq: 0x0 flg: 0x00
 spare1: 0xbf spare2: 0xc9 spare3: 0xc9bf
 consistency value in tail: 0x00000000
 check value in block header: 0xbbb2
 block checksum disabled

页 143102 标记为损坏
Corrupt block relative dba: 0x00422efe (file 1, block 143102)
Bad header found during dbv:
Data in bad block:
 type: 178 format: 3 rdba: 0xc8c9c1b6
 last change scn: 0x0000.0a0df8c7 seq: 0x0 flg: 0x00
 spare1: 0xbf spare2: 0xc9 spare3: 0xc9bf
 consistency value in tail: 0x8a780602
 check value in block header: 0xbbb2
 block checksum disabled


检查的页总数: 152320
处理的页总数 (数据): 115189
失败的页总数 (数据): 0
处理的页总数 (索引): 13086
失败的页总数 (索引): 0
处理的页总数 (其他): 9741
处理的总页数 (段)  : 1
失败的总页数 (段)  : 0
空的页总数: 14286
标记为损坏的总页数: 18
流入的页总数: 2
加密的总页数        : 0
最高块 SCN            : 44036082 (0.44036082)


SQL> select block_id,blocks from dba_extents where segment_name='AUD$';

---------- ----------
    102016       1024
    103040       1024
    104064       1024
    105088       1024
    106112       1024
    141056       1024
    142080       1024
    143104       1024


处理方法比较简单,直接truncate aud$表即可

Oracle 19c/21c最新patch信息-202401

联系:手机/微信(+86 17813235971) QQ(107644445)QQ咨询惜分飞

标题:Oracle 19c/21c最新patch信息-202401


 Description  Database Update  GI Update  Windows Bundle Patch
  JAN2024 ( 36041222  36031790  35962857
  OCT2023 ( 35740258  35738010  35681617
  JUL2023  ( 35428978  35427907  35347974
  APR2023 ( 35134934  35132566  35046488
  JAN2023 ( 34839741  34838415  34750812
  Oct2022 ( 34527084  34526142  34468137
  JUL2022 ( 34160444  34155589  34110698
  APR2022 ( 33843745  33859395  33829143
  JAN2022 ( 33516412  33531909  33589769
 OCT2021 ( 33239276  33250101  NA
 Description  Database Update  GI Update  Windows Bundle Patch
 JAN2024 ( 35943157  35940989  35962832
 OCT2023 ( 35643107  35642822  35681552
 JUL2023 ( 35320081  35319490  35348034
 APR2023 ( 35042068  35037840  35046439
 JAN2023 ( 34765931  34762026  34750795
 Oct2022 ( 34419443  34416665  34468114
 JUL2022 ( 34133642  34130714  34110685
 APR2022 ( 33806152  33803476  33829175
 JAN2022 ( 33515361  33509923  33575656
 OCT2021( 33192793  33182768  33155330
 JUL2021 ( 32904851  32895426  32832237
 APR2021 ( 32545013  32545008  32409154
 JAN2021 ( 32218454  32226239  32062765
 OCT2020 ( 31771877  31750108  31719903
 JUL2020  ( 31281355  31305339  31247621
 APR2020 ( 30869156  30899722  30901317
 JAN2020 ( 30557433  30501910  30445947
 OCT2019 ( 30125133  30116789  30151705
 JUL2019 ( 29834717  29708769   NA
 APR2019 ( 29517242  29517302   NA
 Description  OJVM Update  OJVM + DB Update  OJVM + GI Update
 JAN2024 (  35926646  36031426  36031453
 OCT2023 (  35648110  35742413  35742441
 JUL2023 (  35354406  35370174  35370167
 APR2023 (  35050341  35058163  35058172
 JAN2023 (  34786990  34773489  34773504
 OCT2022 (  34411846  34449114  34449117
 JUL2022 (  34086870  34160831  34160854
 APR2022 (  33808367  33859194  33859214
 JAN2022 (  33561310  33567270  33567274
 OCT2021 (  33192694  33248420  33248471
 JUL2021 (  32876380  32900021  32900083
 APR2021 (  32399816  32578972  32578973
 JAN2021 (  32067171  32126828  32126842
 OCT2020 (  31668882  31720396  31720429
 JUL2020 (  31219897  31326362  31326369
 APR2020 (  30805684  30783543  30783556
 JAN2020 (  30484981  30463595  30463609
 OCT2019 (  30128191  30133124  30133178
 JUL2019 (  29774421  29699079  29699097
 APR2019 (  29548437  29621253  29621299

参考:Assistant: Download Reference for Oracle Database/GI Update, Revision, PSU, SPU(CPU), Bundle Patches, Patchsets and Base Releases (Doc ID 2118136.2)

存储故障,强制拉库报ORA-600 kcbzib_kcrsds_1处理

联系:手机/微信(+86 17813235971) QQ(107644445)QQ咨询惜分飞

标题:存储故障,强制拉库报ORA-600 kcbzib_kcrsds_1处理


硬件故障,客户自行强制resetlogs库,报ORA-600 kcbzib_kcrsds_1错误

alter database open resetlogs
RESETLOGS is being done without consistancy checks. This may result
in a corrupted database. The database should be recreated.
RESETLOGS after incomplete recovery UNTIL CHANGE 16456823130015 time 
.... (PID:1584): Clearing online redo logfile 1 /u01/app/oracle/oradata/XFF/redo01.log
.... (PID:1584): Clearing online redo logfile 2 /u01/app/oracle/oradata/XFF/redo02.log
.... (PID:1584): Clearing online redo logfile 3 /u01/app/oracle/oradata/XFF/redo03.log
Clearing online log 1 of thread 1 sequence number 1345
Clearing online log 2 of thread 1 sequence number 1346
Clearing online log 3 of thread 1 sequence number 1347
.... (PID:1584): Clearing online redo logfile 1 complete
.... (PID:1584): Clearing online redo logfile 2 complete
.... (PID:1584): Clearing online redo logfile 3 complete
Resetting resetlogs activation ID 259120030 (0xf71db9e)
Online log /u01/app/oracle/oradata/XFF/redo01.log: Thread 1 Group 1 was previously cleared
Online log /u01/app/oracle/oradata/XFF/redo02.log: Thread 1 Group 2 was previously cleared
Online log /u01/app/oracle/oradata/XFF/redo03.log: Thread 1 Group 3 was previously cleared
Setting recovery target incarnation to 3
Smart fusion block transfer is disabled:
  instance mounted in exclusive mode.
Crash Recovery excluding pdb 2 which was cleanly closed.
Endian type of dictionary set to little
Assigning activation ID 280673168 (0x10babb90)
Redo log for group 1, sequence 1 is not located on DAX storage
TT00 (PID:1652): Gap Manager starting
Thread 1 opened at log sequence 1
  Current log# 1 seq# 1 mem# 0: /u01/app/oracle/oradata/XFF/redo01.log
Successful open of redo thread 1
MTTR advisory is disabled because FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET is not set
Stopping change tracking
Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/XFF/XFF/trace/XFF_ora_1584.trc(incident=263984)(PDBNAME=CDB$ROOT):
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kcbzib_kcrsds_1], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
Incident details in: /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/XFF/XFF/incident/incdir_263984/XFF_ora_1584_i263984.trc
Use ADRCI or Support Workbench to package the incident.
See Note 411.1 at My Oracle Support for error and packaging details.
An internal routine has requested a dump of selected redo.
This usually happens following a specific internal error, when
analysis of the redo logs will help Oracle Support with the
It is recommended that you retain all the redo logs generated (by
all the instances) during the past 12 hours, in case additional
redo dumps are required to help with the diagnosis.
Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/XFF/XFF/trace/XFF_ora_1584.trc:
ORA-00704: bootstrap process failure
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kcbzib_kcrsds_1], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/XFF/XFF/trace/XFF_ora_1584.trc:
ORA-00704: bootstrap process failure
ORA-00704: bootstrap process failure
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kcbzib_kcrsds_1], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/XFF/XFF/trace/XFF_ora_1584.trc:
ORA-00704: bootstrap process failure
ORA-00704: bootstrap process failure
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kcbzib_kcrsds_1], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
Error 704 happened during db open, shutting down database
Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/XFF/XFF/trace/XFF_ora_1584.trc  (incident=263985) (PDBNAME=CDB$ROOT):
ORA-00603: ORACLE server session terminated by fatal error
ORA-01092: ORACLE instance terminated. Disconnection forced
ORA-00704: bootstrap process failure
ORA-00704: bootstrap process failure
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kcbzib_kcrsds_1], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
Incident details in: /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/XFF/XFF/incident/incdir_263985/XFF_ora_1584_i263985.trc
opiodr aborting process unknown ospid (1584) as a result of ORA-603
ORA-603 : opitsk aborting process

ORA-600 kcbzib_kcrsds_1报错
12C数据库报ORA-600 kcbzib_kcrsds_1故障处理
redo异常强制拉库报ORA-600 kcbzib_kcrsds_1修复
Patch SCN工具一键恢复ORA-600 kcbzib_kcrsds_1
处理好该错误之后,数据库在open pdb的时候报ORA-600 4193错误

alter pluggable database all open
XFFPDB(4):Pluggable database XFFPDB opening in read write
QPI: opatch file present, opatch
QPI: qopiprep.bat file present
XFFPDB(4):SUPLOG: Initialize PDB SUPLOG SGA, old value 0x0, new value 0x18
XFFPDB(4):Autotune of undo retention is turned on. 
XFFPDB(4):Endian type of dictionary set to little
Buffer Cache Full DB Caching mode changing from FULL CACHING ENABLED to FULL CACHING DISABLED 
Full DB Caching disabled: DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE should be at least 153531 MBs bigger than current size. 
XFFPDB(4):Undo initialization recovery: Parallel FPTR failed: start:233023254 end:233023260 diff:6 ms(0.0 seconds)
XFFPDB(4):Undo initialization recovery: err:0 start: 233023254 end: 233023286 diff: 32 ms (0.0 seconds)
XFFPDB(4):[2475] Successfully onlined Undo Tablespace 40.
XFFPDB(4):Undo initialization online undo segments: err:0 start: 233023286 end: 233023500 diff:214 ms(0.2 seconds)
XFFPDB(4):Undo initialization finished serial:0 start:233023228 end:233023508 diff:280 ms (0.3 seconds)
XFFPDB(4):Database Characterset for XFFPDB is ZHS16GBK
XFFPDB(4):WARNING: The following temporary tablespaces in container(XFFPDB)
XFFPDB(4):         contain no files.
XFFPDB(4):         This condition can occur when a backup controlfile has
XFFPDB(4):         been restored.  It may be necessary to add files to these
XFFPDB(4):         tablespaces.  That can be done using the SQL statement:
XFFPDB(4):         ALTER TABLESPACE <tablespace_name> ADD TEMPFILE
XFFPDB(4):         Alternatively, if these temporary tablespaces are no longer
XFFPDB(4):         needed, then they can be dropped.
XFFPDB(4):           Empty temporary tablespace: TEMP
Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/XFF/XFF/trace/XFF_ora_2475.trc  (incident=392032) (PDBNAME=XFFPDB):
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [4193], [14648], [14652], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
XFFPDB(4):Incident details in:/u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/XFF/XFF/incident/incdir_392032/XFF_ora_2475_i392032.trc
XFFPDB(4):Use ADRCI or Support Workbench to package the incident.
See Note 411.1 at My Oracle Support for error and packaging details.
XFFPDB(4):An internal routine has requested a dump of selected redo.
XFFPDB(4):This usually happens following a specific internal error, when
XFFPDB(4):analysis of the redo logs will help Oracle Support with the
XFFPDB(4):It is recommended that you retain all the redo logs generated (by
XFFPDB(4):all the instances) during the past 12 hours, in case additional
XFFPDB(4):redo dumps are required to help with the diagnosis.
Dumping current patch information
Unable to obtain current patch information due to error: 20001
XFFPDB(4):Flush retried for xcb 0x179400620, pmd 0x174a2f6c0
XFFPDB(4):Doing block recovery for file 31 block 1239
Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/XFF/XFF/trace/XFF_ora_2475.trc  (incident=392034)(PDBNAME=XFFPDB):
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [4193], [14648], [14652], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [4193], [14648], [14652], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [4193], [14648], [14652], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
XFFPDB(4):Incident details in:/u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/XFF/XFF/incident/incdir_392034/XFF_ora_2475_i392034.trc
XFFPDB(4):Use ADRCI or Support Workbench to package the incident.
See Note 411.1 at My Oracle Support for error and packaging details.
XFFPDB(4):An internal routine has requested a dump of selected redo.
XFFPDB(4):This usually happens following a specific internal error, when
XFFPDB(4):analysis of the redo logs will help Oracle Support with the
XFFPDB(4):It is recommended that you retain all the redo logs generated (by
XFFPDB(4):all the instances) during the past 12 hours, in case additional
XFFPDB(4):redo dumps are required to help with the diagnosis.
Incident details in: /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/XFF/XFF/incident/incdir_392384/XFF_mz00_2879_i392384.trc
Reread of blocknum=142165, file=/u01/app/oracle/oradata/XFF/system01.dbf. found same corrupt data
Reread of blocknum=142165, file=/u01/app/oracle/oradata/XFF/system01.dbf. found same corrupt data
Reread of blocknum=142165, file=/u01/app/oracle/oradata/XFF/system01.dbf. found same corrupt data
Reread of blocknum=142165, file=/u01/app/oracle/oradata/XFF/system01.dbf. found same corrupt data
Reread of blocknum=142165, file=/u01/app/oracle/oradata/XFF/system01.dbf. found same corrupt data
XFFPDB(4):Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/XFF/XFF/trace/XFF_ora_2475.trc:
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [4193], [14648], [14652], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [4193], [14648], [14652], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [4193], [14648], [14652], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/XFF/XFF/trace/XFF_ora_2475.trc  (incident=407714):
ORA-00603: ORACLE server session terminated by fatal error
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [4193], [14648], [14652], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [4193], [14648], [14652], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [4193], [14648], [14652], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
Incident details in: /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/XFF/XFF/incident/incdir_407714/XFF_ora_2475_i407714.trc
Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/XFF/XFF/incident/incdir_407714/XFF_ora_2475_i407714.trc:
ORA-00603: ORACLE server session terminated by fatal error
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [4193], [14648], [14652], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [4193], [14648], [14652], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [4193], [14648], [14652], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
XFFPDB(4):pdb open recovery: pdbid=4 log=255 acquired_ip=1
